Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

Happy Sunday!  Between the great Sunday night TV (Dexter and The Amazing Race), cooking a nice meal and relaxing on the couch and just spending the day together, Sundays are quickly becoming one of my favorite days of the week.

We've had quite the relaxing weekend around here. We stayed in Friday night and ordered Chinese. Yesterday, we go up and headed downtown to the Majestic for brunch and then walked down to the South Main River Arts festival for a little while. We ran a couple of errands, and then I came home and finished (for now) our hallway gallery wall:

Today, we ran out to Collierville so that I could pick up a few things for Emmie at the Baby Gap sale. I got quite a few adorable items, including this little dress:
(available here)

Baby Gap's clothes are definitely my favorite that I've found thus far and today they were taking an extra 50% off all markdowns...score! Anyway, we ran to the grocery store and Target after that and now we are about to enjoy some chili and cornbread for dinner. Yum!

Have a great Sunday evening! 

1 comment:

  1. I love your hallway gallery. Those baby clothes are so cute. I think quiet weekends are the best. :)
